Fishing Forecast
Fly fishing is about being in the right place at the right time. that’s why i have created this forecast for the upcoming 2024 season so you can plan your fishing trip accordingly and get the most out of it.
here’s what you can look forward to this upcoming season…
As of March 2024 Colorado has an average snowpack and Gunnison county is sitting at 94% of normal. This will definitely affect our flows and how we are going to fish coming in to the 2024 season. Check out the forecast below. It will be updated as the season progresses.
MARCH/APRIL- Spring is on its way and can provide great fishing during the months of March and April without the crowds and the water is usually fairly clear until later in the month of April. These months provide some great nymphing opportunities focusing on deep runs and prominent shelves. We will see small Baetis and Midge hatches later in the day that can provide some fun dry fly fishing. Float fishing is the most productive way to fish the Gunnison River at this time, but lacing up the boots and going for a nice hike can be very rewarding. Weather is a bit finicky this time of year with spring storms and high winds but can be very rewarding. Earlier is better than later this month. As nighttime lows start to rise later in the month we will see dirtier water after 2 PM from snow melt. Usually by late April the water is off color and gets tougher to fish but can still provide good opportunities for nymph fishing. The great part about this time of year is the lack of anglers and the abundance of fish to be caught.
MAY- This is a tough month to be on the water because runoff/high water is usually in full swing. There are still options to catch some fish and work on high water techniques. This is a chance to think outside the box and learn some new water and skills. Walk wading is usually the best option for fishing this time of year. If you want to hear about high water fishing techniques and what to expect check out EPISODE 9 OF THE GUIDED TRIP PODCAST.
JUNE- Depending on snowpack, runoff may last the entire month of June this year. I usually tell clients that the last week of June can be one of the best times to be on the water, due to nice flows and consistent hungry fish. I tend to book more full day float trips this time of the year because of consistent fishing throughout. This, along with July, will most likely will be one of the best months for dry fly fishing as well. We see great hatches of Caddis and PMD’s in the mornings to early afternoons, and then Green Drakes will start to hatch closer to lunchtime. This can provide fast and furious dry fly fishing for most of the day. These are days to eat a heavier breakfast because lunch might come a little later in the day. I tend to chase the hatch and get the best possible fishing in while we can. Once it slows down, we will break for lunch. This doesn’t mean fishing is over after lunch. We still see good dry fly action later in the day and closer to the evening. June is definitely the month to fish hard! I urge clients to book multiple days this time of year if flows stay at a decent level, Most of the June hatches will follow into the first week or so of July.
JULY/AUGUST- Transitioning in to July and August, the dry fly fishing will remain consistent in the morning but will occasionally taper off mid afternoon. Hopper dropper fishing is a great alternative. Dry fly action can pick up in the evenings depending on temperature. Happy Hour floats are always on the table during July and especially August. In July we will see Caddis, PMD’s, Green Drakes, and Stonefly hatches. Don’t bother with booking a trip on or close to July 4th! It wont be worth your time and won’t be an enjoyable experience. This is one of the busiest days on the water with every guide and every recreational boater out and about! Save your money for another day. August tends to fish about the same as July given good flows. Still lots of Caddis and Baetis. We should have consistent flows and water tmps throughout the month of August due to the fantastic winter we are having.
SEPTEMBER- As nighttime lows begin to drop our early morning starts disappear. I like to do a 10 AM start during this time of year. This gives some time for the water to warm up and the fish to start moving. We have nice cool days with lots of sun. This is an amazing time to be on the water with the fall colors arriving in full force. Most of our fishing will consist of nymphing with the occasional dry fly day. Although streamer fishing is not my preferred way to fish, it can be productive as well. At this point in the year the Kokanee Salmon have made their way in to the river from Blue Mesa reservoir and are a blast to catch on a 5 or 6 wt rod. We don’t specifically target this species, but if we find a pod, we will try to get after them. Floating is still my preferred way to fish the river, but walk wading is an option. With water levels dropping to 300 CFS or lower towards the end of the month it can be a bit boney and there is a fair amount of down time on the boat. I tend to cover ground when I can and only target the fishiest areas. This is a very low key time to be on the river without the crowds. The scenery is beautiful and we see a lot of wildlife including Bald Eagles, Osprey and Deer.
A couple of shots from float fishing in September (left, gorgeous fall day on the upper Gunnison River,right, Kokanee Salmon caught on the fly).
October- Although we don’t normally run too many trips this time of year, we may have the flows to so in 2024. We have significant snowpack as of now and I expect it to hold up enough to get some great fishing in. October is usually when we start seeing frigid nighttime temps but can also provide some beautiful sunny days. Although the weather is cooler, the fish are still very active. We are mainly nymphing this time of year but on occasion see some cool spinner hatches that provide some excellent sight fishing with small dries.
This will be updated as the season progresses and we can predict high and low water more easily. If you have any questions about when to book don’t hesitate to shoot me an email.